What are the shipping times for your products?
We take 2-4 days to process your order and then it can take up to 1 to 2 weeks to deliver it to you.
Do you ship all over the world?
Yes, absolutely. We ship worldwide.
Do you provide product tracking / tracking information?
Yes, you will receive an email once your order has shipped containing your tracking / tracking information. My tracking tells me "no information available at the moment"; for some shipping companies, it takes 2-3 business days for the tracking information to be updated in the system. For logistical reasons, different items of the same order may sometimes be sent in separate packages, in case you specified the combined shipping.
Missing some items from my order, what's going on?
Our products are shipped separately according to your order. For example, if it contains items from two different warehouses, there will be two deliveries. The rest of the order will certainly arrive shortly.
I received a damaged item. What can I do?
We are sorry to hear that. Simply send us an image of the damaged item in question to us through our "contact us" page on our website.
Where are you based?
We are located in San Francisco, CA.
I still have not received my order. What takes so much time?
We apologize for the delay. Sometimes international shipping may take longer than expected due to customs clearance. You can instead trace your order and see where it is at any time.